Reopening Updates & Safety Measures

The vaccination programme is still going strong, with more than 93 million doses of the vaccine now administered in the UK. Over 80% of people aged 16 and over are now fully vaccinated, while 89% have received at least one dose.

Social distancing is to end in shops, theatres, and other indoor places in Northern Ireland from September 30. Ministers are also due to discuss removing restrictions for the hospitality sector on October 7.

The reopening of live entertainment in Ireland has begun. Live music events can take place with a seated audience, while indoor events and mass gatherings can go ahead with 60% venue capacity. Attendees must provide proof of being fully vaccinated or of recovery from COVID-19 in the last six months.

After months of campaigning by industry bodies, the UK government has announced a £750 million insurance scheme for event creators. The Live Events Reinsurance Scheme will cover the costs incurred when an event has to be cancelled due to government restrictions. It can be purchased now and will run until September 2022.

Currently, the four nations of the UK are working towards their own roadmaps out of lockdown, which are based on data, rather than set dates.

In England, the majority of COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. However, guidance emphasises personal judgement and responsibility. When it comes to events, all venues are open and no longer have to implement capacity limits or social distancing measures. Plus, the previously announced plans for vaccine passports for access into nightclubs and large events has been scrapped. Such venues are still encouraged to ask attendees for proof of vaccination, a negative test result, or recent immunity.

In Scotland, there are no social distancing measures or restrictions on gatherings in the majority of settings. All venues across the country, including nightclubs, are also open again.

Wales is at alert level zero. There are now no legal restrictions on the number of people who can meet indoors and all premises, including nightclubs, are open again.

In Northern Ireland, venues like theatres have reopened and conferences and exhibitions have returned. People must still wear a face covering at all indoor venues and customer details are required for the Test, Trace, Protect contact tracing programme.